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I am so pleased to have attended the BCBN Muslim Youth Conference. My heartfelt appreciation to all those who organised this brilliant conference. It was an absolute honour and pleasure for me to be amongst wonderful people, especially to be there as one of the representatives of Inspirited Minds.

This conference gave me an opportunity to learn about current research, an insight into core of issues that prevents the community from accessing MH help and meeting likeminded individuals who share the same vision as I do.

As a Muslim Psychotherapist in East London, I realise how much work there is yet to be done for the Muslim community in my area, especially the youth. As the BME lead for my service, I am inspired and motivated to implement several ideas that were bought up at the workshop discussions.

Although a part of me feels quite overwhelmed knowing the pressure, difficulties and lack of resources that currently exists, I feel reassured that I am not on my own and content knowing that this is one of many first steps into making a change and it is better late than never. Indeed, big changes start with small steps.

Overall, this was the perfect conference for me to have attended at this point in my life.

A Moulana

A Moulana is a BABCP accredited Cognitive Behavioural Psychotherapist and the BAME lead at a primary care psychology service in London. She completed her training at Royal Holloway University of London. She is a recognised Alumna at the University of Westminster. A Moulana specialises in trauma-related psychotherapy. She is interested in working with ethnic minorities and raising mental health awareness in Muslim communities.

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