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April 25, 2023 in Ask IM

❓Doubts about Islam

Alsalam alykum was rahmat Allah tala was barakatu I'm a 14 year old I'm from a Muslim family I am not sure if this is relevent but I feel it…
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February 14, 2023 in Ask IM

Intrusive thoughts & Anxiety

Hello, I am 19 years old, and I consider my self to be a good Muslim. I pray, read Quran and generally feel that I am trying my best. I…
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February 7, 2023 in Ask IM

Does Islam talk about Mental Health?

Does Islam talk about Mental Health? ~ As-Salaamun ‘Alaikum – peace be with you, Thank you for reaching out to us, we know that it isn't easy and we appreciate…
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January 31, 2023 in Ask IM

Concentration in prayers

Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh, I have been dealing with a couple of mental symptoms for years, since I was 7 I think I am 20 now lol, including…
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January 24, 2023 in Ask IM

Negative thoughts

I sometimes feel like a failure and feel as though people are achieving so much even adults younger than me. I read somewhere that Allah tests the one whom he…
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January 10, 2023 in Ask IM

Will I be Punished for Sinning to Cope with my Mental Health?

If you act bad or sin as a result of your mental health issues will you be punished for it? I have suffered with low self esteem confidence self worth…
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December 21, 2022 in Ask IM

Why is Allah testing me and not killing me off instead?

Summarised version of the question: Why is Allah Testing Me? My parents separated when I was very young but my life was normal until one day, I was abused by…
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December 13, 2022 in Ask IM

Doubting Islam

Lately , I've found myself really doubting islam and I get really stressed out. I believe in science a lot and I find praying and going to mosque boring and…
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September 27, 2022 in Ask IM

Why does my Iman feel weak when I feel low in mood

Why does my faith decreases whenever I feel down? Like I would have some doubts about my religion, Islam, and I would think that god hates me, is punishing me,…
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September 20, 2022 in Ask IM

I keep Failing at Getting a Job

I keep applying jobs and getting an interview but I revise a lot and I still failed. Than I worry immediately about this. I constantly get worried regardless how much…
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September 15, 2022 in Ask IM

How can I manage my anxiety after praying Istikhara regarding marriage?

A guy asked for my hand in marriage and we talked for a month. He seemed nice, religious and was educated. I have been learning to read the Qu'ran and…
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September 7, 2022 in Ask IM

Deviation from Religion

I genuinely don’t find peace in the religion Islam. I find the religion oppressive. There are so many rules and you have to pray 5x a day. Any little thing…
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August 16, 2022 in Ask IM

Intrusive Thoughts & Iman

Salaam, I’ve been having these really disturbing thoughts relating to the Quran. Like in my head I’ll be thinking about normal day to day things and suddenly I’ll see the…
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August 9, 2022 in Ask IM

Leaving haram relationship and feeling nothing

Hi, so I'm 18 years old. A few months back I left a haraam relationship for the sake of Allah. A week later over three or so days I felt…
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August 2, 2022 in Ask IM

Intrusive Thoughts & Iman

As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatAllaho, I was wondering if you could please shed some light on some of my queries/doubts that have arisen as I have sought more knowledge in the…
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June 14, 2022 in Ask IM

Losing my loved one…

Salaam just wanted to say iv been really down aswell for the past 7 months now I lost my stillborn son about 6month ago me and my wife went thru…
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June 3, 2022 in Ask IM

Is Allah (SWT) punishing me because He is angry with me?

Assalamualaikum, I am really struggling with my Imaan and religion. I have been having doubts and I think I have completely lost faith in religion and Allah and everything. It…
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May 17, 2022 in Ask IM

Does Allah (SWT) exist & what is my reason for existence?

I've reached a point where I'm doubting Allah's existence and question my existence, I even think now that I'm the only person who is conscious while everyone else isn't. It's…
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April 26, 2022 in Ask IM

Mental health and dealing with chronic illness

Asalaamou Alaikum My daughter attempted suicide last month and has talked about wanting to end her life for some time. She feels she has no place in this world or…
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April 19, 2022 in Ask IM

Am I sinning for thinking about Zina?

I just wanted to say thank you for providing this service, may Allah reward you all. This is really embarrassing for me to talk about and so I don't even…
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April 15, 2022 in Ask IM

Experiencing extreme mood swings

I'm a woman in my early twenties and have been experiencing extreme mood changes over the past few years. I am easily irritated and am almost always upset. I have…
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April 13, 2022 in Ask IM

Domestic Abuse and Sabr

I have been in a domestic abuse relationship in which l left, but my community make me feel that l did not have sabr. The imam and everyone keeps saying…
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April 4, 2022 in Ask IM

Ramadan & Mental Health

Asalamualaikum. I was wondering if you can help me. For the past couple of years I have been suffering from severe depression and anxiety. And last year was the first…
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March 22, 2022 in Ask IM

I gave birth a month ago and have developed postnatal depression…

Asalamu alaykum wr wb, I hope you're well, I gave birth a month ago and have developed postnatal depression and insomnia so much so that one night I woke up…
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February 1, 2022 in Ask IM

Feeling unappreciated by family

Asalaamualikm, I am writing a situation of my friend. I am a graduate. I belong to a middle class family. I have been a family where women get no appreciation.…
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January 11, 2022 in Ask IM

Am I losing my connection to God?

Asalaamualikm, The past two years have been been the hardest years, with lots of emotional ups and downs. I also made some major mistakes which ended up hurting my parents,…
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December 24, 2020 in Ask IM

I’m struggling with what to do over a friendship which I know I need to step back from

Salaam. I'm currently struggling with what to do over a friendship which I know I need to step back from for my own wellbeing - but it's very difficult when…
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December 17, 2020 in Ask IM

I suffer from envy. Why does Allah give others everything and I get nothing?

I suffer from a lot of envy of people my age who get everything in life, most of my friends are getting married and beginning their own lives, one already…
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November 26, 2020 in Ask IM

I resent Allah for the horrific childhood and parents he gave me

I have a lot of resentment towards Allah for the horrible childhood and parents that he gave me (domestic violence, adultery). I still have a lot of anger, how can…
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July 2, 2020 in Ask IM

I am struggling with intrusive thoughts that attack Allah, am I accountable for these thoughts?

Salaam. So I've basically been having seriously bad thoughts when I pray or out of nowhere. These thoughts attack Allah and other disturbing thoughts as well. This has given me…
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May 28, 2020 in Ask IM

Why does Allah give so much to some people whilst testing others with so many difficulties

Seeing the happy lives and perfect families with beautiful spouses and wonderful looking children of celebrities on Instagram, I always wonder why does Allah give so much perfection to some…
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April 12, 2020 in Ask IM

This isolation is causing me to question whether I am a good Muslim or if Allah loves me

Salaam. During this isolation, I have had a lot of time to think, over the last few days my mind is getting the best of me. I have constantly been…
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January 16, 2020 in Ask IM

I think I’ve fallen in love but we cannot get married and now my anxiety has increased

Salaam, firstly I just wanted to say that this is an amazing platform, I think most of us going through mental health trials always look for a space to speak…
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January 9, 2020 in Ask IM

I have a borderline personality with bipolar disorder and think my husband maybe a narcissist

I have a borderline personality with bipolar disorder who is currently under treatment. I am living with my husband who I think maybe a narcissist. I need help on how…
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November 28, 2019 in Ask IM

I feel so hurt by my past and so fearful of my future

I'm 32, live at home with a mother that has mental health issues. Since the age of 16, she had episodes that have severely impacted myself and my brother. We…
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November 22, 2019 in Ask IM

I have anxiety, OCD and thoughts of my past which disable me, should I change my medication?

I am suffering from anxiety and OCD and it has gotten worse over the last few years. It is constantly present and makes it difficult to live. I want to…
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November 14, 2019 in Ask IM

I am in my fifties and feel very low mood, heaviness and sadness accompanied by anger

I am not too sure where to start, I am a female in my fifties, and have generally had a happy and contented life. Looking back I can recall perhaps…
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October 10, 2019 in Ask IM

I got diagnosed with depression and have anxiety peaks that paralyse me and my spirituality

I’m a sister from France where mental health awareness is quite weak. In France, we have to struggle with lots of stigmas about our faith and our spiritual identity. For…
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September 19, 2019 in Ask IM

My mentor really takes it out on me which has had a really bad effect on my mental health

I am currently completing my PGCE. I am very near to the end however at the place where I am working and have been offered a permanent place, my mentor…
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September 12, 2019 in Ask IM

I’d like to start therapy but don’t know if my religious needs would be catered for

I’d like to start therapy or CBT, but don’t know if my religious needs would be catered for via mainstream therapists. I’m reluctant to go to local mosque therapy services…
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September 5, 2019 in Ask IM

I get thoughts of doubt about Islam and feel my anxiety and depression increasing

I've been really struggling these past 5-6 weeks, and feel my anxiety and depression has increased. I keep getting thoughts relating to my beliefs, questioning my faith. I get thoughts…
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August 26, 2019 in Ask IM

It’s been a year since I’ve been divorced and I feel like I’m always mentally absent

I am a 25 year old woman who got married when I was 22 and now is divorced. It has been a year and I just couldn’t get over what’s…
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