What to do when there’s nothing to do…
In light of these chaotic times we can choose to find some fun or make our own! With our newfound abundance of time, rather than sitting around bored, we can fill it with things we wouldn’t get the chance to do otherwise. What are you doing?
- Do something creative…
Everyone has inner creativity just waiting to be unleashed- why don’t you use this time to explore which area yours lies in? Drawing, creative writing, baking, knitting.
Maybe try to write some poetry, teach yourself to knit, bake some brownies, the choices are endless…
- Learn some fun ways of developing your deen…
This is a prime time for us to really focus on our relationship with Allah (swt), and we can also be more creative in our ways of doing so.
Why not try Quran Journaling? This is a way to keep yourself connected with the words of Allah (swt) by developing your own understanding. Take a look here for more information.
Or why not try to learn the 99 names of Allah using fun techniques. You could take a picture of something that represents the name you learn daily or create an artistic journal with the names.

- Get active…
Although gyms are closed there are plenty of online home workouts that are just waiting to be tried!
If that’s not your cup of tea, why not try something different- maybe yoga, pilates, boxercise, or aerobics. YouTube and Instagram is great to find something for your level and place, but please ensure you take the right precautions before your start exercise. Particularly if you’re not used to being active, or if you feel it would trigger other mental health difficulties.
- Teach yourself something new…
With all this time, why not try and learn a new skill or two.
The internet is buzzing with different things that you can learn so why not give it a go, you might find a lifelong hobby whilst doing so.
Why not try learning: speed reading, a new language, how to think positively or how to change a tyre. For more…
- Practice some self-care…
It is imperative that we remember to take care of ourselves, and the practice of this does differ between us.

Maybe take up a self-care technique you may not be used to: listen to the Quran, take a warm bath, watch a movie, spend some time in the garden, to read about how 100’s of Muslims look after themselves, check out #LookAfterYourself.
What are you doing during this time? Let us know!