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A broken heart can hurt for a while. A long while.

It can lead to mental health issues such as anxiety and depression, and even eating problems; overeating or undereating. The majority of people will have their hearts broken at some point in their life. Heartbreak can also manifest if you were in a relationship which you thought would lead to marriage, but it didn’t. You were given hope and faith from a person who claimed to love you, and here you are with nothing. It is a more-than-often occurrence. Here’s our list of five ways to heal after you feel like everything is hopeless.

1 – Know your worth

Getting your heart broken can take a toll on your self-esteem. You may feel that if that certain person doesn’t want you, no one will. The right person will come along, probably, as cliche as it sounds, when you least expect it. If you were treated badly, know that you deserve more than that. Know that you deserve nothing but the best. Keep repeating that affirmation and you will believe it.

2 – Distraction

Keep yourself busy, then you won’t be thinking about your broken heart. Take up a new hobby; knitting works well because it keeps your hands busy so you can’t text them even though you may be very tempted to. Sports works excellently as it requires your all. Go out with your friends and – Enjoy. Your. Life. You might feel like sitting and wallowing, but trust us it’s better to be around people than by being by yourself. Try volunteering or taking part in activities to do something different with your time, yet making it beneficial which will, in turn have a positive effect on you.

3 – Take care of yourself

You need to love yourself to be able to accept love from someone else. Take time to perhaps see friends you have neglected during your relationship, spend the time you invested into this person, with your family. Make sure you’re taking care of your basic needs. Your broken heart can consume your whole life, and if you’re struggling to leave the house or hang out with friends, then at least ty to take care of your basic health. Make sure you’re eating regularly and not just living on biscuits for five days. Even if you’re not that hungry try and eat toast or something small. Make sure you’re keeping up with basic hygiene, shower and brush your teeth. If you can’t manage that then baby wipes, mouthwash and dry shampoo can work wonders. It’s all about those small steps that will slowly turn into large strides.

4 – Delete

Delete them from your life. Delete their number, their Facebook, their Twitter, their Instagram, their Snapchat, even their email address. If that’s not going to stop you from stalking or contacting them then BLOCK it all. We can’t stress the importance of this. If you have a way to contact them or seeing what they’re up to it may become obsessive. You may also be tempted to get back together with them, and this could be dangerous especially if they treated you poorly. Don’t keep anything of sentimental value, for example any gifts they gave you, or, at least hide the stuff for a while so it doesn’t make you upset.

5 – Allah

Turn to Allah. You’d be surprised about how much calmer you can feel after making dua, or praying 2 rakah or reading your favourite surah. Remember the ayah [8:70] “If Allah knows of any good in your heart He will give you something better than what you had” – you might feel like your heart is breaking now, but it will get better! If you’re used to texting or calling them, then try and replace that with Allah. If you feel the need to contact them then read a surah or make dua until that feeling passes and you’re thinking about something else.

Now repeat this over and over again, until it becomes a natural part of your daily life as in reality, we should be doing all of these with or without a partner. Your self worth as a human being is extraordinary, and your being requires care and attention as Islam and the sunnah stresses. Your time in this dunya is limited, so being productive with it is also precious and beneficial. Deleting the bad and making space for Allah is always necessary and it’s exactly the rejuvenation we need.

We know it’s easier said than done, but we have to start somewhere. So start your healing heartbreak journey with us today!

Jamilla Hekmoun

Jamilla is a final year undergraduate studying Arabic and Middle Eastern Studies and Vice President of the Islamic Society at the University of Exeter. After being diagnosed with anxiety and depression, she is keen on improving the understanding of mental health conditions within Muslim communities. Follow her on Twitter @JamillaTweets.

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