Event details
- Zoom Webinar
- May 16, 2020
- Saturday, 2:00PM to 3:30PM
Contact event manager

Muslim Minds: Covid19
Revive. Discover. Empower.
Join us to revive Prophetic traditions of coping during hardships and discover tools and resources from the Quran and Sunnah to empower us to manage our mental health.
Ramadan 2020 will be a unique Ramadan to experience. During these unprecedented times it is important to understand our mental health and be able to support ourselves and others. Inspirited Minds have come together with a wide range of speakers to put mental health first. In this programme of events we intend to bring you unique perspectives to enable you to understand the holistic relationship between Islam and mental health; equip you with the tools and resources to better manage your mental health, support others, practical tips and lifelong lessons, In Shaa Allah.
Join us for these FREE and UNIQUE online events, register now!
Reflections on the Quran & Wellbeing with Sheikh Jamal Mohammed
Saturday, 16th May, 2pm – 3.30pm
Discover the relationship between the Quran and Mental health and how we can apply it to current events. Discover ayaat specific to benefitting our mental health and wellbeing, and learn how to implement a quranic lifestyle during Ramadan and thereafter.
The Speaker
Sheikh Jamal Abdinasir Hassan was born and raised in the UK, the country in which he also completed the memorisation of the Qur’ān by the age of 13. Sheikh Jamal began studying under the tutelage of Sheikh AbdirRashid Ali Sufi in 2010 and continues to study with him today. He currently holds Ijāzah in the Ten minor Qirā’āt and plays a pivotal role in Qur’ānic Da’wah in the West providing various courses and programmes in the UK. The Sheikh has also completed sciences in the Arabic Language and various studies in Ulūm al-Qur’ān.